Temporary Closure on Level 4

Through April 3, the fourth level of the main Aquarium building will be closed for renovation, changing access to exhibits, amenities and guest routes.

Animal Rescue Update: 10 Sea Turtles Released

We’re shellebrating! This marks our 300th successful rehabilitation and release.

  • Conservation
  • Animals

Six green sea turtles and four Kemp’s ridley sea turtles were returned to their ocean home on June 25. This release was facilitated by members of National Aquarium Animal Rescue at Assateague State Park, the site of two seal releases that occurred earlier this year.

The greens and Kemp’s ridleys came to us from triage units at North Carolina’s STAR Center and New England Aquarium, respectively. Sea turtle rescue is a collaborative effort, and it is common for organizations to partner together to provide these animals with the best care possible.

Turtle rehab season typically begins in November. Our team treats cold-stunned sea turtles rescued from locations along the East Coast that are commonly suffering from medical issues like pneumonia, dehydration, malnourishment and respiratory illness.

Rescue to Release Series

Series Rescue to Release

Experience the journey of a cold-stunned sea turtle—from their rescue on the beaches of Cape Cod to rehabilitation at the National Aquarium to their eventual release to their ocean home.

View Full Series

Latest in this series:

Rescue to Release, Part 4

Rescue to Release, Part 3

Rescue to Release, Part 2

Of the 300 animals that have been rescued, rehabilitated and released by National Aquarium Animal Rescue since its inception in 1991, 242 of them have been sea turtles. The majority of these rescues have been Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, a critically endangered species.

Prior to yesterday’s release, 20 sea turtles were returned to the ocean after undergoing treatment at the National Aquarium this year. Three turtles—one green and two Kemp’s ridleys—remain in the care of Animal Rescue.

Keep an eye out for more updates on our remaining animal rescue patients!

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