Temporary Closure on Level 4

Through April 3, the fourth level of the main Aquarium building will be closed for renovation, changing access to exhibits, amenities and guest routes.

Black Grouper

(Mycteroperca bonaci)


Black groupers typically have dark coloration, with olive, gray or brown bodies and irregular bronze-colored blotches and spots. These groupers have several sets of teeth that help prevent fish from escaping while they’re feeding.

Black grouper are born female, but some transform into males when they are large enough. These fish can live for more than 30 years, though most are caught before reaching that age.

Quick Facts

Learn more about the black grouper! Did you know that all black groupers are born female?

Black grouper range along the western Atlantic Ocean, from Massachusetts to Brazil.

Adult black groupers feed on fish, while juveniles primarily eat crustaceans.

Black grouper can grow to more than 4 feet long and weigh upward of 170 pounds.

Black grouper are considered near-threatened.

Larger black grouper are preyed upon by sharks, including the sandbar shark and the great hammerhead. Smaller grouper are preyed upon by other groupers and moray eels. Black grouper are also frequently caught for human consumption.

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