Upland Tropical Rain Forest

This immersive exhibit transports you to a South American rain forest.

Explore Life in the Rain Forest

Tropical birds fly, poison dart frogs jump and sloths hang among rain forest plants in Upland Tropical Rain Forest. A re-creation of one of the most biologically diverse—and rapidly disappearing—habitats on Earth, this exhibit allows guests to explore the rain forest alongside different species of animals as they roam throughout the exhibit.


animal species


species of plants

80 °F

average temperature

The rain forest is teeming with life for guests to discover by following the pathway or climbing the stairs to the trees. To keep the animals and plants comfortable, we keep the entire exhibit humid by watering the plants daily and using a high-pressure fog mist system that periodically releases tiny droplets of water into the air throughout the day.

A Living Exhibit

Our living rain forest requires dedicated attention and care to thrive. Graham Hunt, one of the Aquarium's horticulturists, explains how he maintains the plant life in this exhibit.

The interconnected relationship between the plants and animals fosters a lively environment that benefits both the animals and plants.

Featured Animals Discover Life in a South American Rain Forest

Learn more about the residents of Upland Tropical Rain Forest.

Yellow-Headed Amazon (Amazona oratrix)

Features of this parrot are its yellow head and a red patch on each wing.

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South American Yellow-Footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulata)

Linne's Two-Toed Sloth (Choloepus didactylus)

Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber)

Hide and Seek!

Explore every nook and cranny of this exhibit to find all the freely roaming animals. Look closely to find sloths and birds in the tree branches, frogs and toads on the ground below, and turtles on the other side of the railing.

The Linne's two-toed sloth is aptly named for the two toes on its front feet that, along with its three-toed back feet, make this sloth an excellent climber. Sloths are nocturnal by nature, so they can be found sleeping in the trees when they're not climbing around.

The continuously growing plant life provides natural variety for the animals to explore. The thousands of plants in the exhibit create dense foliage that offers shelter and food for all the animals in the rain forest.

Looking to the Future

In 2022, the Aquarium replaced the glass panels in the Upland Tropical Rain Forest exhibit. These new panels better maintain the exhibit's temperature and diffuse the light for the many plants inside. Additionally, the permanent acid-etching design on the outside of the panels helps to protect wildlife by making the glass visible to migratory birds.

Daily Schedule Upcoming Activities at Upland Tropical Rain Forest

Family Sunrise Tour

Atlantic Coral Reef
Additional Fee 4 Spots Left

Family Sunrise Tour

Atlantic Coral Reef
Additional Fee 12 Spots Left

Insider's Tour

Atlantic Coral Reef
Additional Fee 3 Spots Left

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