Through April 3, the fourth level of the main Aquarium building will be closed for renovation, changing access to exhibits, amenities and guest routes.
Wallpaper Wednesdays: Got Milkweed?
As milkweed populations have declined, so have monarch butterflies. Learn why and keep milkweed and monarchs top-of-mind by downloading our latest wallpaper image.
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- Animals
Freshen up your home screen with our one-of-a-kind wallpaper featuring an illustration of a monarch caterpillar and butterfly on milkweed flowers.
Mobile & Desktop Devices No Milkweed, No Monarchs
The iconic monarch butterfly relies on milkweed. It's the only plant upon which females will lay their tiny, pale eggs, and freshly hatched caterpillars feed exclusively on its foliage. But monarchs aren't alone—more than 40 insects and other invertebrates eat milkweed. Butterflies, moths and bees feed on its nectar, too.