Through April 3, the fourth level of the main Aquarium building will be closed for renovation, changing access to exhibits, amenities and guest routes.
Wallpaper Wednesdays: Back to School
It's Wallpaper Wednesday! Since it's September, we're taking a look at schools—the fishy kind.
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Smallmouth grunts are sunny-striped fish from the National Aquarium's Atlantic Coral Reef habitat. They're one of the many species at the Aquarium that form schools—groups of individual fish that move in unison. Freshen up your home screen with our one-of-a-kind wallpapers that feature schools of fish.
Mobile Device School Lessons
The word "school" that refers to a group of students learning has a different origin than the word that refers to a group of fish swimming. According to Merriam-Webster, the educational "school" comes from a Greek word that means "leisure," while "school" that refers to fish comes from Middle Dutch/Old English words that mean "multitude."
Desktop Device Fish Facts
There's not much that's big about a smallmouth grunt. They're only about 9 inches long, and they tend to form small schools. And yes, they have tinier mouths than other grunts. They're found in the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of southern Florida to Brazil.