Temporary Closure on Level 4

Through April 3, the fourth level of the main Aquarium building will be closed for renovation, changing access to exhibits, amenities and guest routes.

ASMR You Hungry?

Enjoy this slice of the sights and sounds of our Animal Care and Welfare teams' daily food prep processes.

  • Multimedia
  • Animals

Every day, Animal Care and Welfare team members at the National Aquarium and our Animal Care and Rescue Center slice, dice, shake, chop and grind enough fish, seeds, fruit, veggies, bugs and shellfish to satisfy the thousands of animals in our exhibits and habitats. Considering the staggering biodiversity present at the National Aquarium—from macaws to terrapins, frogs to fishes, dolphins to sloths—that is a whole world's worth of dietary requirements!

Enjoy the ASMR thwack, crunch and scrape of our daily food prep in this video.

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