Temporary Closure on Level 4

Through April 3, the fourth level of the main Aquarium building will be closed for renovation, changing access to exhibits, amenities and guest routes.

W is for Wolf Eel

Wolf eels are not true eels. They are in the wolffish family!

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Contrary to its name, the wolf eel is not an eel at all. This slender, snakelike creature is actually in the wolffish family and not nearly as menacing as its moniker implies. It is typically a gentle, slow-moving fish.

Illustration for W is for Wolf Eel with an Eel on the Sea Floor

The wolf eel has two pectoral fins just behind its large, bumpy head. Another fin on its back extends the length of its long body. Its broad mouth is full of sharp, snaggleteeth. When full grown, wolf eels are about 8 feet long.

Adults are mottled gray with small, dark spots from head to tail. As juveniles, the fish are an almost unrecognizable fiery red to burnt orange. Wolf eels are native to the North Pacific Ocean from the Sea of Japan to islands off the coast of Alaska and the coast of southern California.

They inhabit rocky reefs and coastal seabeds, where they tuck into caves and crevices leaving only their heads exposed. Adults feed on hard-shelled invertebrates, such as crabs, clams, urchins, mussels and snails. Unlike many species of fish that swallow their food whole, wolf eels use their canines and molars to crush and chew food.

Wolf Eel in Rocks

It is believed that wolf eels mate for life. Females lay about 10,000 eggs within a den, where they are guarded by both parents. The female periodically rotates the eggs until they hatch, circulating the surrounding water to sustain their oxygen supply.

Mated wolf eel pairs share the same den year after year, unless a larger wolf eel or encroaching octopus forces them to relocate.

Oceans A to Z More in this Series

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