Temporary Closure on Level 4

Through early April, the fourth level of the main Aquarium building will be closed for renovation, changing access to exhibits, amenities and guest routes.

Samantha F. O'Neil

Representative for the Baltimore County Executive, ex officio

Samantha O'Neil is the senior adviser to Baltimore County Executive John Olszewski, Jr., coordinating external communication, outreach and partnerships as well as policy development. Before joining the Olszewski administration, she served as vice president of Margrave Strategies, a Columbia‐based consulting firm that provides economic development and visioning services to anchor institutions and businesses throughout Maryland. She has more than a decade of public sector and communications experience and previously served as special assistant to former Howard County Executive Ken Ulman. In this capacity, she led social media engagement on behalf of the executive office and served as the primary liaison to elected officials, community and business leaders and other stakeholders in Howard County and across Maryland. She graduated from Syracuse University in 2005 and earned her master's degree in public communication from American University in 2006. She resides in Catonsville with her husband, Eric, and their English setter, Hoosier.

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